What is Veganism?

Veganism is not a diet. Veganism represents a committed praxis in support of animal rights—a steadfast rejection of the exploitation, suffering, and harm inflicted upon animals by our species. It is defined as “a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”  Embracing a vegan lifestyle means making the conscious decision to no longer take part in the unnecessary, institutionalized suffering of animals. In practice, this means abstaining from the consumption of animal bodies or secretions, such as meat, dairy, eggs, or honey. It means refraining from wearing their skin, fur, feathers, etc. It means no longer purchasing items manufactured through animal testing or experimentation, etc.

Their Rights

From an abolitionist standpoint or one rooted in minimizing harm and maximizing good, veganism stands out as the moral baseline. Seeking to live a lifestyle free of exploitation, while benefiting from the institutional and systematic abuse of non-human animals creates a misalignment of values. Many societies have built their moral frameworks around the golden rule: “Treat others as you want to be treated”—a foundational principle passed down from generation to generation. Imagine a world where children are taught to uphold the moral considerations of a pig, chicken, or cow with the same gravity they consider their own.  

Their Abilities

All living creatures, regardless of species, bring to the world unique abilities and perspectives. Common traits unite us—we all seek safety, love, and freedom from exploitation and harm. Industries built off the exploitation of non-human animals disregard the emotional lives and unique experiences of other animals, devaluing life itself in the pursuit of profit. Embracing a vegan lifestyle acknowledges and respects the abilities of non-human animals. It’s a choice to contribute to a world that prioritizes life over greed.

Our Liberation

Humans have historically championed social change and progress over oppression.  Societal benefits, such as the abolition of slavery, adoption of women’s rights, LGBTQ+ liberation, and workers’ entitlements, stem from the power of people demanding their rights.  Human history can be defined in many ways by our collective demand for a more just, compassionate society. Despite all of our progress, non-human animals have historically been left behind in the fight for collective liberation. To ensure a truly just society, we must extend greater protections and rights to every species. Imagine a world where our story of progress includes all of us.

Think of every major social justice movement that ended with a marginalized group effectively winning their rights. It did not happen passively or by happenstance. Rights are only won out of resistance and effective activism. Simply not participating in an injustice, is not actively working to abolish it. Equip yourself with the tools to advocate for animal rights. Sign up for your free animal rights mentor today and learn how to be an effective advocate.


Reasons to Change

How to Go Vegan 

Additional Vegan Info

Although living a vegan lifestyle is the only way to truly live by your values, it is not a prerequisite to signing up for AAM or for fighting for animal liberation. AAM does not turn anyone away from our program who genuinely wants to advocate for animals.